Saturday, October 3, 2009

Connecticut, Texas, Wyoming: The Perfect Triumvirate


Many big changes taking place. Ever since I moved to DC, things were okay, and I love that I get to see Ali on every whim, but my urge to be in a different place and return to DC at a later time finally overtook me to the point where it was souring my relationship. Ever since making the decision to move out west and be a snowboard bum for the winter, I've been so much happier for it. So much!

And it was like it was meant to be, since everything fell into place with minimal effort and with extreme speed. With just one afternoon of Craigslisting, I got a response from a guy that he had three other guys looking for a fourth roommate for his apartment (3 blocks from the center square of Jackson, mind you... AMAZING location), and one just happened to be from Villanova... we had met freshman year and had talked about snowboarding.... what a small world.

So my friend Kristina Scarff, who I met at Jackson last winter on my epic JH trip with Omar, happens to also be going back to Jackson this winter. She just checked out the apartment yesterday, gave it the thumbs up, it's good to go, my check is in the mail, my car Thomas is out of the garage and going to be treated to a nice oil change and tuneup to prepare for his first big roadtrip (over 2000 miles!), and I am super, super excited. STOKED!

Meanwhile, KT my roomate found another girl to take my place, so she moved in on Oct 1st and I'll be sleeping on the couch the next few weeks before I leave (and have an extra $700 in my pocket for giving up my room and avoiding owing rent, which will be very, very helpful). Mom and Dad come tomorrow night (Sunday) to help me move all my stuff out of the apartment and drive back to Connecticut early Monday morning. I'll hang there until Wednesday, at which point I will have unpacked, repacked (with everything necessary for my winter in JH in tow), and head back to DC for a great trip out to Austin with Ali-- we leave that very next day.

Austin should be awesome, and it has been a long time coming! He sure has talked up the place for the past 14 months we've been together. And having met so many Texans in DC, all of whom are Texas obsessed and passionate about the many blessings of Austin, I'm very psyched for this trip.

...more to come later, have to get ready for an afternoon with Ali pre-Sette tonight!