Monday, September 14, 2009

About Me

Honest to a fault. Secure in who I am. I appreciate constructive criticism of my self, and I make sure to offer it to my friends. People are often struck by how well I am able to break down and articulate the elements of a situation. I relate well with others and offer good advice when asked. I am a good listener. I am comfortable with silence and do not always feel compelled to speak just for the sake of speaking. I call out others bull. I like and respect when others call me out on mine. I enjoy a good verbal spar once in a while. I consider myself an accurate judge of character. I try my best to practice what I preach. I am a loyal and caring friend. I can get along with just about anyone, and while I am friendly towards most people, there are only a small handful of people I consider my close friends. I know how lucky I am to have them in my life, and I know they are lucky to have me in theirs. I know that not everyone may like me, and I’m okay with that. I am confident, honest, straightforward, and real, and I choose to surround myself with people of the same caliber. I may not always agree with you, but I will always treat you with the respect I want to be treated with in return. I will always go out of my way to help others if I can. I believe in karma and that what goes around comes around. I sometimes grow impatient, but I try to correct myself as soon as I become aware. I strive towards constant self improvement, but I don’t sweat the small stuff. I don’t waste others’ time, and I don’t let people waste mine. I am a leader, but I also know that part of being a team means working together towards a common goal, and at times we must all take turns being the star player. I know to make comprises when I can, and I hold firm when I cannot. I am a good instructor and a patient teacher. I know that there is nothing like an early morning run for clearing the mind, or lifting weights for physical strength, mental stamina, and working through stress. I enjoy a friendly competition. I also play to win. When I am happy, I cannot help but to spread that same joy and positive attitude to everyone around me. I have the power to draw people to me by virtue of my optimistic outlook and love of life. I know that I can get what I want through my charm and personality. I always make big plans and live life to the fullest. I do something, everyday. I am an explorer. I will be able to call myself a mountaineer some day. I make snowboarding look easy. I am a skydiver. I would like to be a cliff jumper. I love adventure. I love the company of others, but sometimes I prefer to be off on my own. I am an independent thinker. I am far from superstitious, but I do think it interesting that my sign is the Gemini, the twins, two opposing personalities. I see this quality reveal itself frequently. I am equally the extrovert and the introvert, the adventurer and the homebody, the dreamer and the realist, the perplexed philosopher and the simple lover of life. I enjoy the satisfaction and results that come from hard work. I know that the prize will not be sent to me; I set my sights high and work hard for what I want. I am an environmentalist. I am a concerned individual, and I will never just sit and watch the world pass by me. I contribute to my community. I appreciate the fact that there is more than one right way to live. I try never to judge people, because I admit my incapacity for knowing what has made them the way that they are. I know that it is easy to break trust but much harder to gain it back. I don’t hold grudges. I enjoy the simple things. I appreciate the way that Italians work to live rather than live to work. I admire the sense of adventure, work ethic, and inspiration that has made America the nation it is today. I am a dreamer. I want to be a cowboy. I fantasize that I will grow old out in the mountains and wide open country, with horses and a big farmhouse with a veranda and rocking chairs. I never regret anything I do or the mistakes I have made, because I know they have made me wiser and shaped me into the person I am today. My only regrets are for missed opportunities. I know that what does not kill me makes me stronger. I push myself to my limits. Then I push harder. I like being out of my comfort level. I always have fun. I don’t get too caught up in the little things. I live in the moment. I am far from perfect, but I am pretty content with who I am.

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