Monday, September 14, 2009

And the fall comes...

It always happens: I'm feeling secure in where I'm at, then WHAM. Lost, once again. Not sure where I'm going, if I like the way the path is taking shape, or if I see much of a path at all. But there is comfort in knowing that I'm not alone. This is a common feeling among many people, and especially people at the same place in their lives as I. And with loving friends and family in tow, I can't fail. So I succumb to the feeling, relish the anguish, and release. The moment has passed. Forward motion resumes. I recall my personal philosophy and bring it back to the forefront of my mind. While there are many ideas that I strive to live by, two quotes in particular stand out: “Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable,” and “Lead a value driven life.” Take these ideas, apply them to your daily decisions, endeavor towards your desires. Now get moving. One does not make backward progress, even the slowest of movement is a continuous motion forward. Only in standing still does peril loom.

What of the options that lie ahead? Tread carefully, approach throughtfully, and embrace new challenges and opportunities. Stand firm in your values.

On another note. Here in DC, the scent and memories of autumn come rushing in. Texas Longhorns football and frito pie. Cool breeze and changing colors. It feels different. Another year goes by. It finally feels like a full year with Ali. I like it. I like that I'm here, not a traveler here but a native. Yet just like autumn brings both the wistful feelings of another passing year as well as joy for the fruits of here and now, I feel myself getting closer once again to a crossroads. Just a couple of months ago, it was the move to DC. Now, it's the movement forward to take on that next adventure calling my name. I'm one step closer to my westbound adventure...

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